CAMERA Tomography Workshop 2024

November 4-6, 2024, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Building 91 ("IGB"), Room 310

For questions about the program, please email Dula Parkinson and Daniela Ushizima (,

For questions about logistics/access, please email Kerri Peyovich (

This workshop is the fifth in a series. Since 2016, participants discussed the current state-of-the-art for tomographic reconstruction algorithms and software. Also, and and TomoChallenge! went live since the first meeting. A number of participants at the 2017 workshop drafted a book chapter reviewing the state of the field. Our planned sessions for this year will be released soon. The workshop is free but space is limited.

Note on food: Morning refreshments will be provided each day, and a working dinner will be provided on Monday, November 4. Participants will be responsible for all other meals (there are food trucks right outside the conference building where participants can purchase lunch).

Lodging Options:

Berkeley Guest House


 A list of other options is available at

***Be sure to ask for the LBNL Lab government rate

Getting to the workshop at LBNL:

The workshop will be held in Building 91, also known as the IGB (Integrative Genomics Building).

We will be sending each of you an emailed bus or parking pass which you should print and bring with you to get on site.

Detailed instructions on getting to LBNL are available at