White Light Mode

Switching from multilayer to white light:

1. Inside the hutch, add some aluminum or copper filters to the filter holder (right where the beam comes out of the pipe, before your sample). A common configuration is to use one 0.5 mm copper filter and one 1 mm aluminum filter.

2. On the computer BL832BCS, in the "Beamline 8.3.2" Labview window, choose the "Monochromator" tab, and in the "Mono Type" control box, select "White Light". This will automatically close both of the shutters (PSS201, which is before the monochromator, and PSS211, which is after the monochromator), then move filter motor to approximately 35 mm, then move the monochromator to an energy of 25 keV or higher (which separates the two mono elements from each other so they don't clash), then move the monochromator elements completely out of the beam. This process takes 5-10 minutes.

3. On the computer BL832BCS, in the "Beamline 8.3.2" Labview window, choose the "Slits, Diagnostic Shutter & Filters" tab, and under the "Lead Flag" section, click the "Out" button.

4. On the BL832ACQ computer, Use the "Command Any Motor" window to raise the "Camera Elevation" motor by 7 mm (assuming the motor positions are not completely off, the absolute camera elevation should be between 6 and 9 mm). The white light beam comes out approximately 7 mm higher than where it comes out when the multilayer is in use, so the camera box needs to be raised to account for this.

5. On the computer BL832BCS, in the "Beamline 8.3.2" Labview window, click the "Open PSS201" button.

6. The PSS211 shutter can be opened by pressing the "Open PSS211" button on the same interface as the other shutter, or by pressing the "Open Shutter" button on the BL832ACQ computer on the "8.3.2 Microtomography" Labview window, or by pressing the physical "Open" button located in the rack above the computers.

Switching from white light to multilayer:

1. On the computer BL832BCS, in the "Beamline 8.3.2" Labview window, choose the "Monochromator" tab, and in the "Mono Type" control box, select "Multilayer". This will automatically close both of the shutters (PSS201, which is before the monochromator, and PSS211, which is after the monochromator), then move the monochromator to an energy of 25 keV or higher. This process takes 5-10 minutes.

3. On the computer BL832BCS, in the "Beamline 8.3.2" Labview window, choose the "Slits, Diagnostic Shutter & Filters" tab, and under the "Lead Flag" section, click either the "Block White Light" or "Unblock Multilayer" buttons (they do the exact same thing).

6. On the BL832ACQ computer, Use the "Command Any Motor" window to lower the "Camera Elevation" motor by 7 mm (assuming the motor positions are not completely off, the absolute camera elevation should be between 0 and 2 mm). The white light beam comes out approximately 7 mm higher than where it comes out when the multilayer is in use, so the camera box needs to be lowered to account for this.

4. Inside the hutch, take out any aluminum or copper filters in the filter holder (right where the beam comes out of the pipe, before your sample).

5. On the computer BL832BCS, in the "Beamline 8.3.2" Labview window, click the "Open PSS201" button.

6. The PSS211 shutter can be opened by pressing the "Open PSS211" button on the same interface as the other shutter, or by pressing the "Open Shutter" button on the BL832ACQ computer on the "8.3.2 Microtomography" Labview window, or by pressing the physical "Open" button located in the rack above the computers.