
CAMERA Workshop

Algorithms and Software for Tomographic Reconstruction for Beamlines 

October 31 - November 2, 2018, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Building 59, Room 3101

Registration is closed--if you would like to come, please contact Dula Parkinson to see if there is room available.


This workshop is the third in a series. Over the last two years, we discussed the current state-of-the-art for tomographic reconstruction algorithms and software. Also, and which were discussed have both gone live since the first meeting. A number of participants at the 2017 workshop drafted a book chapter reviewing the state of the field (

This year, we continue this year to asses the current landscape of available software, to investigate commonalities and differences among the various approaches, and to discuss required theoretical and algorithmic advancements as well as practical issues of implementation and deployment. Our planned sessions for this year can be found here:

Questions? Ask Dula Parkinson,

Note on food: Morning refreshments will be provided each day, and a working dinner will be provided on Wednesday, October 31. Participants will be responsible for all other meals (in past years, most participants walked together to the LBNL cafeteria for lunch).

Lodging Options:

Berkeley Guest House


Downtown Berkeley Inn


Shattuck Hotel


Hotel Durant


Berkeley City Club


***Be sure to ask for the LBNL Lab government rate

Getting to the workshop at LBNL:

The workshop will be held in Building 59, also known as the CRT building, also known as Wang Hall (click here for online map of LBNL, or see map below).

We will be sending each of you an emailed bus or parking pass which you should print and bring with you to get on site.

Detailed instructions on getting to LBNL are available at

BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) is easily accessible from Oakland and San Francisco Airports. Disembark at Downtown Berkeley station; exit station's main entrance, cross Shattuck Ave. to the east and Center St. to the north. Locate LBNL's shuttle bus stop (east side of Shattuck Ave before Addison St. intersection). Board LBNL Uphill Blue Route shuttle bus; display your printed bus pass email and photo ID to driver; disembark at building 65 and walk to building 59.

Taxi drivers to enter right side of main gate, passenger to display printed emailed pass and photo ID to guard.

Parking on lab grounds is available but limited. Drivers enter right side of main gate, display printed emailed pass and photo ID to guard. Carpooling or public transportation are recommended.